The term OSCE stands for an objective structured clinical examination. These are practical examinations that all health care professionals at some point in their degree will need to undertake. They are probably one of the most nerve-wracking exams you have to do as a nursing student because you are undertaking a skill and then you have the examiner watching your all moves. It is one of the assessments that we have to do to pass nursing school, so for that reason, you need to pass this exam.

When preparing for the OSCE, the very important thing before you even think about revising or anything else is to know what kind of OSCE you are asked to perform. OSCEs can come in many different forms. You could have a clinical OSCE or communication OSCE or a teaching OSKE.  You must know what type of OSCE you will be expected to perform. Your university will inform you to elaborate on that point as well. All universities will have different ways of how they want to assess students through the OSCE examinations. You will never have an OSCE on something that is not specific or relevant to your field of practice. Once you have identified what type of OSCI, then you must start revising and start practising. When you go into your OSCE exam, you may not know what skill you have to perform. First, you have to build a structure almost a little bit like a script. Introduce yourself to the patient. Then explain why you are here and what skill you are going to perform. Next is gaining consent. Once the patient has agreed and they give their consent, wash your hands.

One should know the reason behind every task that they perform in your OSCE and tell the examiner. You need to tell the examiner what you are doing and why you are doing it. If you are performing a skill and do it in complete silence, you will fail. Don’t let your examiner ask questions since it makes you nervous. Make sure you remember these tips while attending OSCE

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